Quarterly Sensory-Play Subscription | Baby’s starting age: 9-12 months | Five boxes | £45.97 per box (billed/sent every three months) | FREE delivery

Starting age: 6-9 months: Start your subscription from 6-9 Months - £45.97 per box (billed/sent every three months)
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This quarterly subscription series provides you with all the age-appropriate sensory toys and resources you need to support your baby’s development from 9–24 months. The first delivery you’ll receive will be our 9-12 Months box.

How does the Baby’s First Years subscription work?

Subscribing to our sensory-play boxes is easy!

  1. Add the 9-12 Months box to your cart and check out in a few clicks. Relax and tick ‘buy baby toys’ off your to-do list – we’ve got you covered!
  2. Receive your 9-12 Months box and scan the QR code that’s inside to download our Ways to Play guide. Have fun exploring the contents with your little one!
  3. You’ll receive your 12-15 Months box around 3 months later, your 15-18 months box 3 months following that, and so on. You’ll be automatically billed £45.97 prior to dispatch.

The total amount that you pay for this box equates to just over £15 a month for the next 3 months until your next box is due. In each box you will receive all the toys and resources that you need for your baby from 9-24 months. Even better, they’ll be delivered to your door, exactly when you need them!

Shopping for a younger baby?

You can also begin your subscription with our 0-3 Months box or our 3–6 Months box.

How does the Baby’s First Years subscription series support your baby’s sensory development?

Whatever stage you start your subscription at, you’ll receive a new set of sensory toys and resources every three months, up to and including a box for babies aged 24 months. 

Each item is specially selected to build on what your baby has already learned and nurture their brain through the next phase of their development and beyond – this takes all the pressure off you to find age-appropriate toys, because we’ve found them for you!

A downloadable Ways to Play guide accompanies each box to help you get the most out of the toys and resources. It explains which developmental milestones your baby is likely to be working towards at their current age, and how you can use each item in your box to help them get there.

Why do babies aged 9-12 months need sensory stimulation?

Between nine and twelve months, your baby becomes an eager explorer and is thrilled to discover they can make things happen! They’ll love making toys move, rattle or jingle. They’ll still be working on their fine motor skills, but you’ll notice them using their fingers more skillfully and at some point in the next few months they’ll master the thumb-and-finger pincer grip. They will need this important skill when it comes to holding a pencil correctly for writing.

Your baby’s cognitive development has reached the point of understanding object permanence. This means they know that something still exists, even if it’s hidden or out of sight. It makes games such as ‘peekaboo’ and ‘hide and seek’ super stimulating for them and fun for you both!

Around this time, your baby’s little cooing sounds may start to mature into babbling with clear consonant sounds. They’ll begin to imitate the language patterns of those around them and will take great pleasure in chatting away in their own language, or creating sounds by copying the noises you make, such as blowing raspberries or clapping. 

You baby is now starting to understand simple phrases such as “no” or “come to Mummy”. They may even respond to their own name or use gestures such as waving and shaking their head to communicate. 

During these months, gross motor skills are developing fast! Your little one may learn to sit without support, then begin leaning forwards and, eventually, discover ways to rock and scoot along the floor. This is all laying the groundwork for crawling. 

You can support your baby through these milestones by using play to encourage them to move, grasp and make sounds in a variety of ways.

What’s in the 9-12 Months sensory-play box?

Our 9-12 Months box is all about giving your baby plenty of opportunity to explore smaller items with their hands, and to learn new skills like stacking and knocking down towers. Toys that move forwards encourage the continued development of your baby’s gross motor skills, as they become intrigued to make the item move and follow it (even if their own attempts to move forwards are unsuccessful for while!).

The items you’ll receive in your 9-12 Months box will be hand-picked to support your baby to work towards all the major milestones for this age group. The exact contents of our boxes vary from month to month, but the kind of things you can expect are as follows:

  • Wooden Stacking Toy
  • Touch and Feel Sensory Book
  • Educational Visual Flashcards - My First Words
  • Wooden Bead Coaster
  • Eco-Friendly Mini Vehicles
  • Halilit Musical Instrument

And, of course, you’ll also get access to our downloadable Ways to Play guide, which is bursting with information on your baby’s development and ideas for using the items in your box in a variety of ways to stimulate their senses.

Any questions? 

The answer is probably lurking among our FAQs, but if you can’t find the information you need please don’t hesitate to get in touch – we’re always happy to help. 

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